Corporate programs


Corporate Programs Montreal

At CLIC, corporate training is effective and exciting. It entitles:

  1. Business value immediately
  2. Shaped around the busy schedule of working professionals
  3. A corporate training curriculum developed by industry experts that is aligned with the learning needs of professionals.

Our courses have been designed to inculcate not just cultural nuances native to the target language, but also soft-skills training tailored according to the industry. It gives employees the confidence to work better, and the organization gains a competitive edge in having a workforce that is fluent in the target language.

Program Objectives



Eliminate blockages in the face of writing. Structure your text well to be clear. Lighten and enrich your style.


In the context of learning, language is considered as the main vector of knowledge.


La compréhension orale est une compétence qui vise à faire acquérir progressivement à l'apprenant des stratégies d'écoute premièrement et de compréhension d'énoncés à l'oral deuxièmement


Assigner un but à son activité avant de commencer la lecture en s'interrogeant sur la ou les raisons qui amènent à lire un texte particulier